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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Monday, September 05, 2005

More on the Akaka bill

I've blogged about this legislation before. Here is one example. This legislation is predicted to pass Congress even though it is probably unconstitutional.

Yesterday's Hawaii Reporter reported that the cloture vote that would have to take place before the Akaka Bill is voted on by the full Senate.

Sources in the Senate Judiciary say the GOP leadership has agreed to delay the vote on the bill, which will grant native Hawaiians federal recognition as Native Americans and Native Alaskans have, but with even more powers to Native Hawaiians.

The devastation brought on the people and property in the Southern states last week because of Hurricane Katrina, along with the vacancy of two positions on the U.S. Supreme Court, including one created this weekend with the death of Chief Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist, are being blamed for the delay.

You wish the delay was for a better reason. Like Congress coming to its senses but apparently not. It appears the votes are present to pass this legislation and President Bush ready to sign it into law. Other than the two senators in Hawaii, how does law represent the wishes of the constituents of the other fifty plus Senators ready to pass it?

The ultimate ends of this legislation could be surfacing. Sucession. Akaka admits as much himself.

Earlier this month, Akaka was asked in a National Public Radio interview whether the sovereign status granted in the bill "could eventually go further, perhaps even leading to outright independence." The question might have seemed extraordinary for anyone unfamiliar with how strong the push for Hawaiian independence has become. Back in the 1970s, its supporters were considered kooks and lunatics. But today, although by no means a majority, they are a political force to be reckoned with. It's hard to drive down a Hawaiian road without seeing an upside down Hawaiian flag, the symbol of the movement, flying over someone's home. Even more extraordinary was Akaka's answer: "That could be. That could be. As far as what's going to happen at the other end, I'm leaving it up to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren."

Our elected representatives are readying themselves to pass a law discriminating against half the population of one state while helping it possibly suceed from the union. If this wasn't Congress, plotters like this used to be tried for treason.

I've written Senator Nelson and not surprisingly got a form letter reply. Write your representative and Senators. This legislation needs to be stopped and right now a fillibuster looks like our only chance.

Hat tip- Betsy's Page. She has some excellent posts on the Akaka bill. Read here and here.

All day picnic- Basil's blog

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