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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Florida the rules are different here CXVI

Once again Governor Charlie Crist shows himself to be a very funny man. From the Palm Beach Post-

Gov. Charlie Crist on Monday appointed attorney Patrick Rooney of West Palm Beach and environmental consultant Melissa Meeker of Stuart to the governing board of the South Florida Water Management District.

Rooney, 43, is general counsel to Investment Corp. of Palm Beach, the Rooney family business that includes the Palm Beach Kennel Club. He's also director of the Autism Project of Palm Beach County.

Both appointments are subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate. Crist picked Rooney to fill the Palm Beach County seat that was held by Kevin McCarty. Meeker was selected for an at-large seat formerly held by Lennart Lindahl.

The nine-member board oversees regional flood control, water supply and water quality protection and restoration of ecosystems in southern and central Florida. The district has about 1,800 employees and a $1.4 billion budget.

Rooney could not be reached late Monday. His father and uncles are owners of the NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers and his brother Tom is one of three Republicans running for the congressional seat of U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Palm Beach Gardens.
Being a lawyer and a member of a wealthy family shouldn't qualify you for an important position in South Florida. Especially with the drought we have down here at present.

Read this from last month's Palm Beach Post-

Rumors abound that Gov. Crist will appoint Patrick Rooney Jr., from the family that owns the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Palm Beach Kennel Club, which Mr. Rooney manages. Mr. Rooney has been active in private school and children's activities. While those are good community causes, they are not qualifications for the water district board. On his application, Mr. Rooney makes clear his lack of experience by writing that ''policies involved in the regulation of water usage during times of drought or in the aftermath of a hurricane have become increasingly important and intriguing to me."
I agree with the Post, this is hardly the type of expertise badly needed for the water board. Remember how the board approved a new golf course when at the same time imposing water restrictions on South Florida.

Don't forget Crist's appointment of a overweight Football player to lead a committee on the obese. Considering these appointments, Crist should work at a comedy club after his term in office is done. A standup comedian for Governor. Isn't this a great state or what?

Linked to- Bright & Early, Bullwinkle, Perri Nelson, The World According to Carl,

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