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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Show me the money Florida style

From the Sarasota Herald-Tribune-

TAMPA -- Two Greco Middle School students became instant heroes five years ago when they found and returned $4,000 in missing cash. Now, they are trying to solve their own case of missing money.

In February 2002, Jarvarious Jones and Oscar Carter, then 13, found four envelopes stuffed with cash near their bus stop and turned in the money to authorities. The boys' good deed brought them national attention. People showered them with praise, gifts and money. Now they are old enough to collect some of that donated cash put away in a bank account, but no one can find it.

Jones and Carter were told the money would be placed in a trust fund and could be withdrawn when they turned 18.

They are now 18 and want to collect that money. But Carter's mother, Keisha Hamilton, said she cannot get answers as to where the money is.

Hamilton said when she contacted Greco and school district officials, they repeatedly told her they would get back to her. She said she could not go to any banks because she did not know whose name was on the account. Carter, who now takes classes at Florida Metropolitan University, said he sometimes wishes he had not turned in the cash.

"I could have used that money to get clothes, pay some bills and help my family," he said. "But I did the right thing and now people aren't helping me. I've learned not to trust anyone."

Hamilton said Patricia Cooper, Greco's assistant principal, handled all the money that came in and promised to set up the account. Cooper said she did receive cash and checks, some made out in her name, but did not set up the account.

She said she handed the money over to then-Principal Deborah Rodgers. Rodgers, who now works in the school district's downtown offices, said she knows nothing about the account and said Cooper handled the matter. Rodgers said it is unlikely the school district would have set up an account.

"That's not something we typically do," she said. "That's usually not our role."
I believe Ms. Rodgers is right in that last statement. That doesn't mean she or some other school official didn't flim flam the two teenagers. I'm betting we never find out what happened to the $4,000.

Linked to- Bright & Early, Pirate's Cove, The World According to Carl,

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