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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

People or companies not to do business with

This will be a new feature at TFM. It will mostly be of help to residents of South Florida, but sometimes nationally too.

What is the saying, One dissatisfied customer is worth ten satisfied ones? Two local businesses have pissed me off in a matter of three days. Here's my chance to vent and get even.

The first is called A-1 Bravo Cleaning Service
Address- 132 New Berry Lane; Royal Palm Beach FL 33414
President Jennifer Adams Vice President- Sheila Bravo
Phone 561-827-6292, 561-963-6422 Fax 561-422-2909

The second is Scrubs Housekeeping
3044 S Military Trail
Lake Worth FL
Phone# 561-459-5881 and 561-707-2609
Contact Person- Cheryl

My wife went to visit her family in the Philippines. She left October 2nd and is to return November 5th.

The housekeeping at our home is usually split, I do laundry, most of the cooking and preperation and cleanup for such. DW does most of the house cleaning but I chip in to with the vacuuming.

With the wife away, I tried to hire someone to come twice to the house to clean it. I mostly need help with the one bathroom plus the kitchen area.

I learned about A-1 Bravo through a ad at a friend's store I go to. On wednesday I called the company and spoke to Sheila. She said someone would come over on Thursday to give me an estimate. Before coming over I was supposed to get a phone call.

Guess what? They never came, nor did they return any of my 3 phone calls to them on Thursday.

So I looked up Scrubs Housekeeping in the Yellow Pages. I spoke to Cheryl who said they would come out Saturday(today) to give an estimate for cleaning the house next week. Someone was supposed to be here at 11 a.m.

Guess what? Cheryl called at 9:53 this morning to say no one could come over today or anytime. The reason given- an employee quit yesterday.

I think thats a crock. For whatever reason Cheryl decided to stiff me. If someone quit yesterday, why not call me right away? At least I would have had a business day to find another company.

So I highly recommend no one do business with either of these companies. They are unreliable, and even if they called me back now I wouldn't trust them one minute in my house. Trust is an easy thing to lose, and a very hard thing to regain after its lost.

Another thing, I told Cheryl I would write this up on my blog. She didn't care, but Cheryl will never know if the bad publicity she just got for Scrubs Housekeeping will be bad for her business. That is something she will never know.

Cheryl and Sheila should just count themselves lucky they didn't get a knucklehead award like these two local real estate agents or seafood market.

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