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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good news for Florida homeowners

The State Legislature has made it more difficult for local governments to use emminent domain to seize people's homes.

Legislation limiting the ability of local governments to condemn homes and other property for private redevelopment cleared the Florida Senate on Thursday after the chamber refused to make an exception for a massive renewal project in Riviera Beach.

The Senate passed a proposed state constitutional amendment (HJR 1569) 38-2 and a bill (HB 1567) 37-3. Both measures returned to the House, which previously had approved them, because the Senate made some modifications.


The bill would go into effect immediately upon becoming law and put a halt to projects already under way or in the planning stages. The amendment would take effect Jan. 2 if approved by voters.

A proposal to also put a delayed effective date in the bill failed on a voice vote. It was offered by Sen. Mandy Dawson, D-Fort Lauderdale. She argued it would be unfair to Riviera Beach to force the city to give up a $2.4 billion plan to redevelop blighted areas into upscale condominiums and shops and a marina after years of work on it.

Riviera Beach Mayor Michael Brown said the city is prepared to challenge the bill in court, if it becomes law.

``I think we can make a strong argument that we are entitled to follow the old rules,'' Brown said. ``Communities like ours always seem to get the short end of the stick.''

Riviera Beach is a pocket of poverty with a largely minority population in otherwise affluent Palm Beach County. Brown said the condemnation-limiting measures would help destroy cities such as his.

Hurricane ``Katrina did that to New Orleans and the Legislature is doing that in Florida,'' Brown said. Riviera Beach's situation received little sympathy in Tallahassee.

Mayor Brown's comment is priceless. Maybe I'll give him the Knucklehead of the day tomorrow.

I've blogged about Rivera Beach before. You'd be surprised(or maybe not) who's on the developer's side in Rivera Beach. Not just people like Mayor Brown, but the Palm Beach Post editorial board too. They wanted the Riviera Beach land grab allowed to go through. Schultz and company doesn't see the nonsense going on down in Hollywood, the Post has blinders on. It isn't liberals are the champions of the little guy, they just think they know what is best for everyone.

As I said, this news out of Tallahassee is good news for Florida taxpayers.

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