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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Friday, January 06, 2006

How ironic

I saw this in yesterday's Palm Beach Post but kept it for comment for today. Cox News Services Reporter David Ho writes on how the MSM blew the story on the Sago Mine Disaster.

TFM isn't going to get into the reporting except for one small part. Mr. Ho writes-

Not since the premature reports of George Bush's victory in the initially too-close-to-call 2000 presidential election have so many news outlets gotten a story wrong.

I have to wonder what planet Mr. Ho was on for 2005. First all of all Bush did win the 2000, so the news reports on election night were right not wrong. Though Cox News Service which is part of Cox Newspapers and the Palm Beach Post cling to the sad delusion over five years later that Gore beat Bush in 2000.

We'll put that aside. The two biggest MSM debacles of 2005 in my opinion were-

1- Hurricane Katrina coverage
2- The Baby 81 story

How many times has it been shown that MSM Katrina coverage like Snipers, Rapes and bodies at the Superdome, Blown up levees, Canibals were proven to be fiction not fact. The Wire Services and major news outlets suffered multiple blunders on Katrina.

If you want one single concentrated MSM blunder, there's the Baby 81 story of early 2005. Its been shown though not widely reported that the competing parents claiming the boy as their own was totally untrue. AP, Reuters, The New York Times, Good Morning America all reported this story as fact, none of them have seen fit to print or issue a retraction. Still the MSM blew the story, no ifs ands or buts. Worse the actions of the MSM kept a child from their rightful parents. Those responsible for this fiction are nothing less than despicable scum.

So isn't it ironic that an article reporting MSM errors has mistakes in it itself?

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