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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Co-Knucklehead of the Day award Part Three

Today's third winner is a perennial with TFM, the editorial board of the Palm Beach Post. My hometown newspaper has what Michelle Malkin terms as BDS or Bush Derangement Syndrome. Usually found at the New York Times, we also have it down here in Florida.

A Post editorial on the Sago Mine disaster partly lays the blame where else, the Bush administration-

A $60 fine doesn't deter irresponsible behavior; it encourages it. Floridians know that after watching state agriculture officials fine growers insignificant amounts for violations of pesticide regulations. Federal regulators' leniency toward Sago reflects the Bush administration's coddling of the mining industry. The White House has eliminated more than 100 enforcement positions during the past three years and has opposed proposals to add more mine rescue teams while supporting efforts to relax air-quality requirements. President Bush sent federal help to rescue the trapped miners. They needed federal help a lot earlier.

The administration promotes coal as a plentiful and relatively cheap alternative to oil and gas, especially for generating electricity. If the government is going to push coal, it has to push safety.

No report has been done on the disaster but the Post knows who is responsible. George Bush! That's the kind of Knucklehead thinking I have to put up with on a regular basis.

The last paragraph is symptomatic of the Post's kind of thinking too. Coal is dangerous to miners, nuclear waste can't be stored safely, oil drilling is unsafe to the enviornment. If the Post had its way we'd be living in the Stone Age again. Then there wouldn't be a Palm Beach Post!

For deranged editorializing, the Palm Beach Post is today's third Knucklehead of the day.

Open Post- Bright & Early, Jo's Cafe, Basil's Blog, TMH's Bacon Bits,

Update- Frank Warner supplies the link to what the statistics say. How many miners died in the last five years of the Clinton Administration and the five years of Bush?

1996 - 38 1997 - 30 1998 - 29 1999 - 34 2000 - 38
2001 - 42 2002 - 27 2003 - 29 2004 - 28 2005 - 22

Clinton-169 Bush- 148(160 if you count Sago). Go here for the information.

Its a wash. Just further proof of what Randy Schultz and his editorial staff is good at- lies

Hat tip- Mark in Mexico

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