Maybe some architect or engineer can answer a question I or my father have had for thirty years.
Movies stretch reality all the time. The 1974 film, The Towering Inferno was no different. I saw this film for the first time in 74 or 75 along with my parents and younger brother. Last night Fox Movie Channel had the movie on and seeing the film again reminded me of something.
At the end of the movie the fire is doused by having two water tanks at the top of the skyscraper detonated pouring down one million gallons of water on the fires below. One million gallons would weigh 7-8 million pounds if I'm right. Can a 130-140 story building have that much water at the top and still stand?
My father didn't seem to think so when we saw the movie way when. I would seem to agree, also those tanks would have to be enormous and heavy themselves. Can someone answer the question for me? I'd like to finally solve this mystery.
Lunch- Basil's blog
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