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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Gene Stone at The Huffington Post

There's a column over at The Huffington Post written by Gene Stone. It makes interesting reading about how intolerant the left is.

Let’s see. There’s the story of a gay teen who was forcibly sent to a Tennessee camp to change his sexual orientation. His father has now come forth to admit that, sure, he sent his kid to that camp. Why not? Who wants a gay son? Why not give the child the worst summer of his life instead of some love? Never mind that no health care professional believes this can happen; even conservative psychologist Martin Seligman, in his excellent book What You Can Change and What You Can’t, states that sexual orientation is fixed. But who cares about reality?

Out of Michigan comes the story of a pizzeria in Ann Arbor with a gay pride rainbow sicker on its front door. A customer, and member of a catholic student parish, is now leading a boycott against the pizza parlor because he finds the rainbow flag offensive. After all, isn’t it Christian to try to destroy one man’s small business because you don’t like the fact that he’s tolerant of others?

Then there’s the story from D.C., where a prominent black leader has been demonizing gays and lesbians in his sermons -- Rev. Willie Wilson, pastor of Union Temple Baptist Church, warns that... “Sisters [are] making more money than brothers and it’s creating problems in families...that’s one of the reasons many of our women are becoming lesbians.” Wilson added, "Last year my son tried to go to the prom. He said, 'Dad, I ain't got nobody to take to the prom because all the girls in my class are gay. Ain't but two of 'em straight, and both of them ugly.’”

The first two paragraphs chronicle people who are obviously intolerant of gays and lesbians. The Rev Wilson could just be stating fact or being-non pc. Maybe his son's school is like that and the Reverend is stressing his son's frustration. Does Mr. Stone have more proof to substantiate whether Mr Rev Wilson doesn't like gays and lesbians.

Lets read on.

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum, perhaps the most intolerant member of the Senate, turns out to have a gay chief of staff/communications director. When asked how a gay man could speak for someone with Santorum's record of homophobia, Robert Traynham said "Senator Santorum is a man of principle, he is a man who sticks up for what he believes in." Hmm. There has to be word for a gay Uncle Tom. Uncle Bruce? Mr. Traynham wins the weekly Uncle Bruce award.

1- Mr. Stone, where is the proof of Sen. Santorum's inotlerance? Your blog certainly was strong on putting up other instances of it. Is it just because he is a Republican and a conservative? You could be right, however you need to substantiate your claims.

2- Mr. Traynham has a right to his views as much as anyone else. Senator Santorum employs him and has to know his orientation, especially since Mr. Traynham was outed just recently and Senator Santorum stands beside him. So how intolerant is the Senator?

There is proof of Mr. Stone's intolerance. He doesn't like that Mr. Traynham works for this Senator and calls him an Uncle Bruce for doing so.

Just another sign of how low the left will go and that they can't see their own hate. What's the saying about eating one's young? If you don't toe the liberal line, you're a target for these people.

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