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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Twenty Five years ago today

Betsy reminds us that today marks twenty-five years since the assaination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Where were you that day?

I was twenty years old and in the Navy then. Stationed at the Naval Training Center in Orlando. I had driven down to my parents in Boca Raton to visit when we heard about the attempt on President Reagan's life. Like recent MSM feeding frenzies, mistakes were made. James Brady being announced as dead for one.

What I remember most about the day had nothing to do with the assaination. It was the first time I went out with Imi. Imi was 18 years old, from Holland, and the daughter of a wealthy family that employed my father to do bookkeeping work for their harness racing operations in the US. She came to my parent's home with an older sister and asked if I wanted to go out with her. We went to some club in Fort Lauderdale.

I remember this because Imi was a wild girl. Drank like a fish, would party till any hour of the night, plus if I may borrow from Bill James the baseball author(Don't want to be accused of plagarism), was wilder than a truckload of starving kangaroos. At night's end I deposited Imi in her hotel room and avoided her invitations to join her in...... Well you can guess what.

Imi wasn't to be thwarted so easily, she paid another 4 visits to Florida in the next year or two and looked me up. Every time we went out, we partied, she got drunk and I brought her back to a hotel with me refusing her drunken advances. I got stationed out of Florida and I never saw Imi again after either 1982 or 83.

So I turned down getting laid at 20 and a chance at being filthy rich. Heck I rather make sarcastic wisecracks and be married to a simple Filipina. Its safer that way.

Also posting on where they were that day- Musing Minds
Open Post- TMH's Bacon Bits, Bright and Early, Basil's Blog, Right Wing Nation, Real Ugly American, Cigar Intelligence Agency,

Cross Posted to Bullwinkle Blog

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