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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Guilty as sin

The results are in on whether Roger Coleman murdered his sister-in-law Wanda McCoy in 1981. Coleman was executed in 1992 and people have been saying he was innocent of this crime for many years.

DNA tests released this afternoon confirmed the guilt of a Virginia man who had proclaimed his innocence in a slaying and rape even as he was strapped into the state's electric chair in 1992.

Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) said modern-day genetic analysis that was not available in the early 1990s proves that Roger K. Coleman was present at the crime.

"We have sought the truth using DNA technology not available at the time the Commonwealth carried out the ultimate criminal sanction," Warner said in a statement. "The confirmation that Roger Coleman's DNA was present reaffirms the verdict and the sanction."

Coleman, a coal miner from the small Appalachian town of Grundy, drew nationwide attention when he proclaimed his innocence in a series of newspaper and television interviews in the months before his death. After he was strapped into the electric chair on May 20, 1992 he declared: "An innocent man is going to be murdered tonight."

Coleman was convicted and sentenced to death in the 1981 rape and stabbing of his sister-in-law, 19-year-old Wanda McCoy.

So the case is closed. Justice was served and correctly. It's still sad. Not about Coleman, he got what he deserved but for the life he took and those he inalterably ruined by his heinous crime. I'm sure there is a warm place in hell at the moment for Roger Coleman.

Kevin at Wizbang is also blogging on this. He still feels Coleman's supporters have nothing to be sad about.

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