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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Can the police cite sanitation workers for littering?

I just got home after spending much of the morning out of the house.

*- Driving down Lantana Road, a garbage truck had garbage falling out on the road. Don't you just love Florida?

*- Went to early morning mass today. I really miss my son Daniel today and at Christmas.

*- No one in line at the post office. I guess everyone got their new stamps already.

*- Sign at a Boynton Beach McDonald's read-


The other side should have read- I KANT SPEL

*- Got my MRI films and the radiology report. I had this test done in Mid-December. The report says no changes from my last MRI in August. That's good news. I'll be following up with my oncologist on Monday.

*- Went to Barnes & Noble and Borders book stores. I had $80 in gift cards for my birthday. Got Michelle Malkin's Unhinged, Gary Kasparov's My Great Predecessors Volume 4(Bobby Fischer) and Mark Levin's Men in Black.

*- Barnes & Noble has a discount card offer. If you join, you get a 10% on any purchase. To join, you pay $25.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????????????????????? I can buy books cheaper at Amazon and not pay $25! Guess that's why I haven't bought a regular priced book at B&N in a very long time.

*- Had blood work done at Quest Diagnostics. The woman had problems getting blood out of me. Guess what? I get home and there's a message on my answering machine. The nurse only drew one vial, I need to go back!

Its my birthday and I'm still a masochist.

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