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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Friday, December 30, 2005

How I spent my winter vacation

Best describes the adventures of 16-year-old Farris Hassan of Fort Lauderdale. The youth using money given to him by his parents travelled all the way to Baghdad.

This kid has balls I will say that. You have to read the Sun-Sentinel coverage of Hassan's story. Click here.

The teen traveled throughout the Middle East for two weeks before walking into a war zone office of The Associated Press news agency in Baghdad on Tuesday. The Associated Press immediately called the U.S. Embassy.

"I would have been less surprised if little green men walked in," editor Patrick Quinn said.Few details of the teen's journey during the two weeks prior could be confirmed through official channels. But Navy Cmdr. Robert Mulac, who works in the Multi-National Force-Iraq press office in Baghdad, said Thursday night that the youth was staying at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

"He's here, and he's safe. The only reason he probably got away with it without getting killed is because he looks native," Mulac said. "We're going to send him home."


After Farris Hassan landed in Kuwait City, the teen attempted to get into Iraq by taking a taxi across the border. He couldn't cross because of the security surrounding Iraq's elections, and called his father.

"I said, `You go to the [American] Embassy right now! The border is closed," the father recalled. "He said, Yes Sir! Yes, Dad!"

Then something even more extraordinary happened. Instead of ordering his son home, Redha Hassan said he gave him the choice to go to Beirut for a week to stay with family friends, and then go to Baghdad once the border opened and private security could be arranged.

"I felt it would leave a scar, disappointing him in his young life," Redha Hassan said of sending his son home. "I learned long ago that if you say no, they stick to the point and insist on doing it. Nothing fazed him."


I find the father's comments amazing. Later in the article Farris' brother says the boy will get a ass-whoopin when he gets home. I have to agree with Donnah at Florida Cracker, I'd do the same if I was Farris father or mother.

Just incredible. All well that ends well if Farris gets home safe and I pray he does. He's going to have some tales to tell when he goes to school. Michelle Malkin suggested someone get Hassan a blog.

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