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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The ongoing saga

Yesterday i had a check-up with my primary care doctor. This was follow-up for my the pulmonary embolism I had last month.

If you recall I had an MRI in late August after it was discovered I had spots on my adrenal glands. About four weeks ago my doctor, Dr. Nguyen told me the MRI results and said I'd be re-tested and a needle biopsy wasn't needed right away.

To now make a long story short, I will be needing that needle biopsy right away. Today I will be picking up my MRI films and dropping them at JFK hospital. After a radiologist reads them I will have the procedure done at a date yet to be determined.

All of this is very worrisome and depressing. I'm a layman but have seen enough medical results to be to read them. The MRI impression for my enlarged adrenal glands read.

Signal characteristics to not correspond to benign adrenal adenomas. Consider adrenal hyperplasia versus metasteses to both adrenal glands.

In other words the doctor thinks they could be my skin cancer having spread. Please pray I get good results.

*- In late July I sprained my knee. This caused me to have to have x-rays, visit the ER and an orthopedic doctor. I saw Dr. Donahue on 8-2. There I paid my $15 co-pay for a doctor's office visit.

Yesterday I got a bill from that orthopedic specialist's office. For the entire amount of my office visit minus my co-pay or $135. I'm not annoyed with this, just bemused. The insurance company has already handled this. I just wonder how much money this doctor's office throws away on sending out unnecessary bills a year.

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