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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Knucklehead of the Day Award

Goes to New Republic Editor and 'Real Journalist' Peter Beinart for his disparaging comments against those organizing a visit by Conservative Talk Show hosts to Iraq. These comments come from a piece.

The "Truth Tour" has been pulled together by the conservative Web cast radio group and MoveAmericaForward, a non-profit conservative group backed by a Republican-linked public relations firm in California.

"The reason why we are doing it is we are sick and tired of seeing and hearing headlines by the mainstream media about our defeat in Iraq," Melanie Morgan, a talk radio host for KSFO Radio in San Francisco and co-chair of Move America Forward, said.

Peter Beinart chimes in.

"This is the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time. They should be ashamed of themselves," Peter Beinart, editor of left-leaning The New Republic magazine, said.

"They have no idea what journalism is, and to pretend they are journalists is laughable," Beinart said. "You do not achieve victory by not facing reality. I think these are the kinds of people that will lead us to lose there."

Mr. Beinart you're the one who don't know a real journalist. You worked at TNR as a senior editor in 1997 and 1998 when Stephen Glass wrote his lies and your magazine published them as fact.

Ms. Morgan on other hand as Michelle Malkin pointed out.

Ms. Morgan started her broadcasting career at the age of 16, working at her college radio station, KCLC FM, in St. Charles, Missouri. Shortly thereafter, she began an internship at KUDL AM/FM in her hometown of Kansas City, Missouri. After working at several radio stations in Kansas City, Melanie began her television career as a researcher, for ABC TV's Howard K. Smith, during the 1976 Republican Convention. In 1980, Melanie went to work for KMBC, Channel 9 in Kansas City as a television reporter and anchor.

She moved to the Bay Area in 1981 and began working for KGO television as a free-lance reporter. It wasn't long before KGO Radio recognized Melanie's outstanding news and reporting ability. Her talents were fully realized when she stepped forward to spend three weeks in Beirut, Lebanon covering the conflict of that war-ravaged country. She received several awards for excellence in news reporting for her on-air reports from Lebanon.

Outside the Beltway also reported that Liberal talk show host Al Franken has visited Iraq. Are only Air America hosts allowed Mr. Beinart?

I think Ms. Morgan's work history matches or beats your own Mr. Beinart. Do I smell some journalistic envy or sour grapes?

For not knowing a true journalist over a fake, I give Peter Beinart today's knucklehead of the Day award.

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