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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sign of the times

A Palm Beach County judge rejected a plea deal yesterday.

The victim, her family, the defense and prosecutor were prepared to bring the horrific rape case to a close on Thursday.

They agreed that Milagro Cunningham, accused of kidnapping, sexually battering and then trying to kill an 8-year-old girl in 2005 in Lake Worth, would face 25 years in prison and be designated a sexual predator.

But Palm Beach Circuit Judge Chuck Burton rejected the plea agreement.

"I certainly appreciate your feeling of wanting to protect your daughter," Burton said. "This is a horrible case. ... I don't turn down most agreed offers. I just think this is one I could not in good conscience accept."
I agree with Judge Burton. Twenty-five years is not enough for Cunningham. Exactly what was Cunningham's crime-

After the attack(Sexual assault), police say Cunningham tossed the girl into a 30-gallon recycling bin stuffed with 200 pounds of concrete slabs. The girl would have died, Belohlavek said, had police officers not found her. She was found because her hand and foot were left dangling outside of the bin. The girl's abduction sparked an Amber Alert and intensive search before dawn on Sunday, May 22, 2005, bringing together more than 100 officers from four agencies to search for her.
Cunningham is an animal. Twenty-five years is not enough.

Judge Burton hasn't ruled out accepting another plea deal. The victim of the mother doesn't want her daughter to have to testify. I don't blame her. Try again Palm Beach County prosecutors. Oh and isn't it incredible that a child rapist gets 25 years, where as County prosecutors tried to get a man sentenced to life in prison for defending himself against two gang members who threatened him? What's wrong with this picture.

Cunningham is in the US illegally. When he finishes his sentence in jail, if he isn't sentenced to life, he will be deported.

Here's a curious thing about this Sun-Sentinel article above. Three years ago I gave the Sun-Sentinel a Knucklehead award for their coverage of Milagro Cunningham's arrest.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel is not identifying the suspect or the victim because of their ages and the nature of the charges. Their relatives are also not being identified.

I understand not identifying the girl, but can someone please tell me why this paper is protecting the identity of her attacker? He is a minor but he commited rape and attempted murder! For christsakes the guy deserves to be hung by his balls for the heinous acts he did the paper feels he should be protected!!!!!!!
Don't you just love the South Florida news media. Once Cunningham became 18 it was all right to report his name.

Why I'm bringing all of this up is because two days ago there was a school shooting in Fort Lauderdale. How did the Sun-Sentinel report the story?

Police this afternoon charged a 15-year-old girl in the shooting death of one of her closest friends on the campus of Dillard High School.

Teah Wimberly, of Fort Lauderdale, is charged with first-degree murder and discharging a weapon on school property, police said. She is being held at the police station and is cooperating with investigators, officials said.
Its all right to report the names of underage murderers but not underage rapists. Someone please explain to me the difference between the two or tell me there are bunch of warped minds at Fort Lauderdale's biggest daily newspaper.

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