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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

That's Entertainment

The Japanese government has decided to stop subsidizing a television network that featured news done by a anchorwoman doing a striptease.

TOKYO (AFP) - An X-rated Japanese television company vowed Tuesday to keep running a show for the hearing impaired after the government dropped subsidies under a storm of criticism.

In a version of the Canadian show "Naked News," a Japanese anchorwoman strips off clothing piece by piece while reading tabloid news in sign language.

Japan's communications ministry said last week it would halt funding for the cable show, which was part of its budget to support programming for the hearing impaired.

"We will juice up the program, maybe airing it live with some improvisations by the anchorwoman and a higher level of sign language," said Shinichiro Fukuyama, a spokesman for the show's producer, Paradise Television Inc.

"Our company's principle is to entertain our audience, regardless of whether they are disabled or not," he said. "We will continue our programming."

The government has already approved a total of 400,000 yen (3,400 dollars) for the show, called "Hadaka no Shuwa Nyusu (Naked Signing News)," but will give no further support, a communications ministry official said.

"We will give the limited aid available to higher public interests and benefits," she said.

Daisuke Ochi, director of the Tokyo Federation of Deaf, applauded the broadcaster for continuing the show despite losing government support.
They're doing a public service, isn't that great?

The network admits they are there to entertain people with 'Naked News'. I love that candor coming from someone in television news. Tell me how much of every day's televised news in the US is meant to inform viewers compared to what is meant to entertain? The ratio is lopsided in favor of entertain, we all know that.

Now if Directv offered this channel, Rio Natsume did the news and I could somehow watch without my getting killed by the wife, I'd be a regular viewer. We know none of that's going to happen!

Linked to- Big Dog, Blue Star, Planck's Constant, Yankee Sailor,

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