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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


A week ago I blogged my rather strong opinion on Katherine Harris and why I won't vote for her. Not surprisingly, a few Florida bloggers still plan on voting for this knucklehead.

That's fine, though I truly feel anyone who votes for the woman either knows nothing about her or are like this animal. They don't want to see just how dumb and corrupt this woman is. I do think the rulings Harris made after the 2000 election were right, but this isn't about that but her more recent behavior.

I'm not going to recycle all of the damning case against Katherine Harris. Go read my earlier post if you want to see it. What I will do is give two scenarios for Harris if she were elected to the Senate.

We have

1- Paula Hawkins US Senator for Florida 1981-1986

or this

2- Edward Gurney US Senator for Florida 1968-1974

The first Senator Paula Hawkins was considered a populist from her days on the FL public service commission. Elected in 1980, she was trounced when up for re-election in 1986. Bob Graham was a popular Governor yes but in her six years in the Senate, Hawkins made a series of embarrassing gaffes that made people question her intelligence.

Senator Edward Gurney was indicted for influence peddling while still in office. Not surprisingly he declined a chance to run for a second term.

Those are the best and worse cases for Harris after election to the Senate. Strike that, the worst scenario would be a combination of the two. Something hardly beyond the realm of possibility based on Harris' behavior in the last four years. Florida doesn't need another embarrassment in public office, Republican or not.

Twenty two Florida daily newspapers agree with me. The Florida MSM is a diversified lot, Harris is the only statewide candidate in 2006 not to get endorsed by at least one newspaper.
Linked to- Bright & Early, Right Wing Nation, Adam's Blog,

Update- Read this Washington Post article on Harris. She is playing the victim and will write all about those who oppose her in an upcoming book. Heavens to Betsy, TFM might become famous.(Cue the sarcastic laughter)
James Joyner at OTB and Steven Taylor are also commenting on today's WAPO article.

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