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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dreamland Chapter II

I may make this a recurring feature of TFM. Today's fantasy comes from Palm Beach Post Columnist Charles Elmore.

Happy birthday, Alex Rodriguez. If at age 31 you grow tired of the boos at Yankee Stadium, come home to South Florida.

Booing is not a big problem here. When the Marlins win a World Series every half-dozen years, it's just one sweaty bandwagon of love. Between title runs, you can throw sidearm past first base, second base and home in virtual privacy.

Think about it, A-Rod. Say goodbye to the Bronx jeers of "E-Rod." Leave behind your American League-leading 18 errors and your troubles at the plate and come to the place where fans either worship you or go snorkeling.

Admittedly, there are few signs you are going anywhere by Monday's trading deadline. Despite a whirl of rumors, Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman says dealing Rodriguez, who grew up in Miami, is "not something even being considered." For their part, the Marlins say they do not anticipate any blockbuster moves.

Well, it's not quite as daunting as it appears.

The Texas Rangers, who signed the original $252 million deal with Rodriguez, have agreed to subsidize a big chunk of that salary though 2010. The Yankees are paying him about $15 million this year.

Even carrying A-Rod at the Yankees' rate, Florida's total payroll would be half of what it was in 2005. The Marlins would remain the most frugal club in baseball with a payroll of $30 million, substantially lower than Tampa Bay's $35.4 million.

The Marlins might have to give up Dontrelle Willis or Miguel Cabrera, but think of what they'd get in return: A reigning MVP with hometown roots on a team already outperforming expectations and pushing back toward .500.
Elmore's scenario is as wacky as the Katherine Harris one from yesterday. Marlin owner and Knucklehad winner Jeffrey Loria will not pay out a dime more for this team than needed. Besides ARod's addition wouldn't get the Marlins any closer to respectability. You need more than one high priced position player to do it.

Memo to Elmore- Don't write your column while daydreaming.
Open Post- Freedom Watch, Blue Star,

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