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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thanks alot Tony

Palm Beach County Commissioner Tony Masilotti will not be running for re-election.

WEST PALM BEACH -- Palm Beach County Commission Chairman Tony Masilotti has announced he will not seek a third term this fall, signaling an end to a tenure marked by bitter political battles.

Masilotti, a Republican, withdrew his candidacy in a letter Monday to Supervisor of Elections Arthur Anderson.

Masilotti said he wanted to spend more time with his family, yet he has been confronting allegations that he had an improper relationship with several real-estate developers.
Standard political excuse #1. The Sun-Sentinel's speculation is more likely. The Palm Beach has more on Masilotti's business transactions here.

The remaining District 6 candidates are Gregory Schroeder and Penny Riccio, according to the Supervisor of Election's Web site. The election is in November.

The district covers a huge swath of western Palm Beach County from Wellington and Royal Palm Beach to the Everglades.
That's what has me angry about this story. Masilotti withdrew just days AFTER the filing deadline for the race. All that are left are two little known candidates.

You can fill in the appropriate verb for what I think Masilotti has done to his constituents. Hope you get indicted Tony, couldn't happen to a more worthless pol.

Correction- It is still not too late to file for this comission race. Still my opinion on Masilotti is the same.

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