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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's my blog and I'll blog on what I want to......

A disturbance in the conservative blogosphere has happened. Lori Byrd is no longer blogging at Polipundit.

The fact is that I believe this is the last time I will be blogging at Polipundit.

I received a lengthy email from Polipundit tonight alerting us to an editorial policy change that included the following: "From now on, every blogger at will either agree with me completely on the immigration issue, or not blog at" I would provide additional context, but Polipundit has asked that the contents of our emails not be disclosed publicly and I think that is a fair request. There has been plenty written in the posts over the past week alone to let readers figure out what happened. Polipundit ended a later email with this: "It’s over. The group-blogging experiment was nice while it lasted, but we have different priorities now. It’s time to go our own separate ways."


It would have been nice to have been able to tell friends and family before publicly saying goodbye, but things just didn’t work out that way.

What is really ironic about this is that the split is over the immigration debate and that is not even one of "my issues." I always deferred to Polipundit on the issue due to his background and passion on the subject. Lately most of my posts have not even dealt with immigration, but the ones that have were more about how I thought the tone and tenor of the debate had gotten out of hand, rather than the actual policy positions. I am sad that things turned out this way, but believe this is probably for the best.
Lori went on say she set up a new blogging home. It's called Byrd Droppings. LOL and good luck Lori.

Why am I even blogging on this? Polipundit isn't on my blogroll and the only times I've read Lori's writings have been when guest blogged over at Michelle Malkin's page. Polipundit owns his blog, he can do as he wants. Have guest bloggers or not have them. End of discussion.

Heck I was going to write a long blog piece but I'll get right to the points I want to make.

Guys and gals out there, lets stop the internecine fighting on the immigration issue. It's simply not worth it. Illegal immigrants have been with us as long as this country existed and will continue to do so after all of us are gone.

It needs to be addressed, but what doesn't need to happen is either

1- Become our main focus. The War on Terror and Iran dwarf the illegal immigration into insignifigance. There are other issues of greater importance, including an overspending out of Control Congress and President. The bill for that party is going to come due sooner or later.

2- Let it divide the Republican party. Congress is up for grabs in November this fall. You want Pelosi running the House? Think 2008 too, Hillary gets elected president. Conservatives got angry at another President Bush some 15 years back. You want Clinton 2? The stakes are bigger now than ever. We're at war.

Come on guys and gals. Lets all agree to disagree and stop the bickering. If we don't. we're going to regret it and some of us may not survive the debacle we'll hellp cause. All for an issue that will never be totally fixed. Is it worth it?

Also blogging on this- Poliblog, Althouse, Wizbang, Betsy, The Moderate Voice, Captain's Quarters,

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