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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Awards, Knuckleheads, and a few blogging notes

*- One of my favorite bloggers Hooah Wife is having her Stupid Ass awards. Go over and check them out. Yours truly was one winner but a good one. Thanks Greta.

*- Greta also recently complimented me on my beautiful wife. Thanks again. Dear wife says thank you too but wondered if you needed glasses. You don't!

*- The Webblog awards are coming out. Kevin and some others did some hard work to do these awards.

*- Typepad is on currently down and its affecting many blogs like Professor Bainbridge. Now these people know how it is for us blogspot bloggers. LOL, I hope everything is back to normal soon.

*- And talking about awards. Beginning on December 21st the Knucklehead of the year awards will begin. I and a judging panel will be handing out awards in 7 different categories, Dec 21-23 and Dec 26-29. Of our 7 category winners, the Big Knucklehead of 2005 will be selected and handed out on December 31st.

Stay tuned, these are going to be fun. How about a showdown between a man whose wife looks like a horse and a guy who wanted to have intercourse with a real horse? LOL it was that type of year.

*- Captain Ed's wife had some complications from a biopsy and Kathy at Is it just me? was just recently hospitalized. Both are doing better but keep them in your prayers.

Open Post- Jo's Cafe, Right Wing Nation, TMH's Bacon Bits, Adam's Blog, Bright & Early, Basil's Blog,

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