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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Memo to Chris Matthews and all 9-11 apologists- Never forget Christine Hanson

Mr. Mathews,

I hear you spoke to some university students. I'll quote what you said.

"The period between 9-11 and (invading) Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn't a robust discussion of what we were doing," Matthews said."If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we've given up. The person on the other side is not evil. They just have a different perspective.

"The smartest people understand the enemy's point of view, because they understand what's driving them."

Yes the smartest people understand their enemies point of view. I'll concede you that. Now look at the photo above.

Do you know who that little girl is? Probably not, I'll tell you now. Her name is Christine Hanson, age 2. Isn't she adorable? Maybe you've had a child like her once. Or know one like her. Innocent, beautiful, the bringer of joy to her relatives.

She was travelling to California with her parents one day four years ago. What happened?

The plane was hijacked and then crashed into the South World Trade Center tower. She died that day. The youngest victim of 9-11.

You'll say I'm playing on people's emotions but put yourself in the shoes of the Hanson family. Peter Hanson's parents were speaking to him via cellphone when there son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter were all killed. Live On national television. Live on the very network you work for. They've had to live with that image ever since and will till they die.

Who would take an innocent life like this? Think of it Mr. Matthews. Can you give an answer? I think you can.

A monster, an evil person. One your network and other MSM sources show every day. You call child molestors the monsters they are when they kill children. So why isn't the killers of Christine Hanson not monsters also?

Because you have lost perspective. As have anyone who tries to apologize for those responsible for 9-11. They took the innocent life of a two-year-old girl. If you for one moment thought as a relative of this girl does, you'd know this was evil. No ifs, ands, or buts.

What needs to be done to evil who takes lives like this or plots to do so. They need to be exterminated. For if they aren't there will be thousands more Christine Hansons and the next time it may be one of your own. For there is no rationale that justifies taking a life such as this. No religion, political view, nothing at all.

It is time for you and others in MSM or anywhere else to be honest for once about what is being dealt with today. You're an intelligent man, who if you'd think of Christine Hanson for one minute you would understand what I wrote above. Instead I feel you are too lost in your opposition to a President and party who dislike and for that I feel sad. For you are not just lying to those students in Toronto but yourself also.

Yours Truly,

The Florida Masochist

Hat tip- Michelle Malkin
Open Post- Don Surber, Outside the Beltway, Third World County, Bright & Early, Choose Life, Basil's Blog, Adam's Blog, Pursuing Holiness

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