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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The wife is forcing me to read it

If you ever visited my Palm Beach County home, you may mistake it for a small library in the process of being moved. I own books, lots of books. This hasn't come without some friction between me and the Dear Wife who reads but doesn't have my fever for this activity.

Like when we visit Costco and almost always there is a book there I want to read. Dear wife will normally remind me of the backlog of previous books I bought and haven't read yet. Two Nicholas Kristoff books, Bill Clinton's Memoirs, about four John LeCarre novels, three or four Raymond Benson novels, etc etc. Occasionally DW caves and allows me a purchase but not without giving me an evil eye.

Then there is the matter of how my collection just well.....collects. The master bed being DW's biggest complaint. I like to read in bed, and she isn't all that fond of picking up a copy of Henry Kissinger's 1476 page volume one of his memoirs. It's a hefty book and DW often threatened to hit me with it. So I'd leave it in other locations, like the one we have a photo of our cat Eponine sitting on. I just wish I knew which photo album that shot was in so I could post it. Lets just say her pose on top of one of Nigel Hamilton's volumes on Field Marshall Montgormery is priceless.

Yesterday afternoon DW and I visited Target for a few things. While the boss was in the cosmetics department, I went to browse through the nearby book dept. After a few minutes DW caught up to me.

"Is it here?" She asked.


"You want to buy it?"

Dear wife suggesting that I buy a book is a rare event on the magnitude of Papal elections. "It could be cheaper at Costco." I replied back.

"It wasn't there when I went there."

Eventually I caved to the pressure from DW. I went ahead and bought the book. On the way home, Dear wife asked me questions about it. I guess I'll have to write a book report when done.

What book are we talking about? Bernard Goldberg's '100 people who are screwing up America'. Dear Wife has seen it being discussed on Fox News. She may even read it herself.

As soon as I am done with my current book, I'll move on to Goldberg's. I'll let you know what I think. For now I'll just say DW approves of his #1 pick.

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