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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Friday, March 02, 2007


From the Palm Beach Post-

After a scandal-filled year in Palm Beach County politics, the head of the nonpartisan Voters Coalition felt compelled to remind a banquet room full of elected officials, judges and campaign operatives Thursday night that not all politicians are crooked.

"Recently, there have been too many incidents where the integrity and even lawfulness of some elected officials has come into question," Voters Coalition Chairman Bob Newmark told the crowd of about 250 west of Boynton Beach.

The group's annual dinner is a back-slapping celebration of political insidership. But the local fraternity of elected officials has been rocked in the past year by the resignations and guilty pleas of Palm Beach County Commission Chairman Tony Masilotti and West Palm Beach City Commissioner Ray Liberti.

West Palm Beach City Commissioner Jim Exline also resigned and is expected to face a tax evasion charge. U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach, abruptly left office after being confronted with explicit e-mails he sent to male teenage congressional pages. And a grand jury said West Palm Beach is viewed by big-money campaign contributors as a "pay-to-play" city.

"We are not naive enough to believe that all politicians are honest and faithful to the duties of their office," Newmark said. "But we do believe that the vast majority are honest and are honestly trying to do a good job for their constituents."
Do you think most politicians are honest? I think a majority go into office with good intentions, but ultimately corrupts all that are touched by it. Two reasons, money and power. The money is too available for a politician. He needs it to remain in office and makes tradeoffs to those to contribute to them. That money bought a vote, is that a sign of honesty.

Then the power of being a politician. Making decisions that can influence many people. It is too easy to abuse this, for after a while I think politicians feel they always know what is best. Once their minds are set, few change their opinions or stance.

What do you think? Am I cynical or Mr. Newmark naive?

Linked to- Basil, Dumb Ox, Woman Honor Thyself, World According to Carl,


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