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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Life is cheap

You certainly get that impression from reading this Palm Beach Post story

WEST PALM BEACH — A woman who goes by the nickname "Woo Woo" was fatally stabbed over a $70 debt two days after she turned 19.

Nakiva White was knifed in the chest Monday night by Gabrielle Waiters, 19, who had lent White the money, Waiters admitted to police.

She was arrested Tuesday in Riviera Beach and charged with second-degree murder.

The West Palm Beach teens began fighting over the debt as they sat in the back seat of a car, traveling through the city with two other women. As the fighting escalated, the driver, Ryan Bullard, stopped the car in the 1400 block of 9th Street.

White stepped out. She taunted Waiters, wanting her to get out and fight, Waiters said.

When Waiters tried to close the car door, White leaned in, pulled her hair and punched her, she said.

The other two women broke up the fight, Waiters said. Still, Waiters reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a knife with a 4-inch blade. She told police she jabbed it at White, who ran to the swale, picked up a wooden stick, and swung it at Waiters.

Waiters plunged the knife into her chest.

"I've been cut, I've been cut," White yelled.

Bullard drove White to Good Samaritan Medical Center, where she died.

Waiters told police she had planned only to scare White with the knife. She was being held without bail Tuesday.
Ms. Waiters didn't get her money. For $70, one life is ended and another one will spend a long time in jail. I don't think any amount of money is worth that outcome.

Linked to- Blue Star, Bullwinkle, Jo,

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