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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


We have Michelle Malkin taking on William F Buckley this morning. First what Mr. Buckley wrote in regards to deporting illegal aliens.

Even if that succeeds, we are left with the illegals we have. Uprooting them would prove as wrenching as the uprooting of the blacks from Africa 300 years ago
Michelle fires back.

Yeah, except for the small fact that the Africans were cruelly snatched from their lawful homes in their native land, forced to march in shackles, auctioned off, and crammed into slave ships...and illegal aliens would be deported from their unlawful homes in the land whose laws they ignored, and politely returned to their native country in tax-subsidized buses and planes.

For God's sake.

Buckley's idiocy is another reason, as Heather Mac Donald argues, that East Coast Elites Should Shut Up About Immigration.
Michelle Malkin spurred me into blogging but in this fight, I side with WFB.

Deporting 10-12 million illegal aliens will not be a pleasent experience for those being ousted from homes. We may not use shackles, auctions and slave ships today, but Michelle's hardcore anti-immigration position blinds her to the fact we'll be having to arrest these people to get them out. So what will be required?

Oh the title of my post. The 21st century equivalent of shackles and not particularly comfortable wrist gear. Similiar gear will most likely be used for the ankles also. No Michelle, we won't be able to deport anyone without these devices.

Deporting the illegals we have in this country will be no easy matter. What do we do about those with children who are US citizens? How do we round up illegals without snaring those here legally? Where do we put those we round up? Do they get a hearing or do they get put on a plane immediately? How do we know where to send them to? Lots of questions and there are more. I've seldom heard from the deport them all crowd any answers to these questions. Simple solutions to this issue aren't going to work.

Then Michelle, no one needs to shut up either. WFB is welcome to his opinion, you're welcome to yours as I am welcome to mine. We have freedom of speech, not everyone should be a moonbat or knucklehead for disagreeing with either of us. Its a free country after all.

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