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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Vladimir Putin believes in democracy

and I'm Charles Krauthammer. Time for sarcastic laughter, I'm making fun of Putin not Krauthammer. It's my belief that Mr. Krauthhammer is the best conservative columnist in the country.

As for Putin, he is totalitarian masquerading as a democratically elected leaded. Read this for an example of Putin's strong-arming and disdain for dissent. If he could, I'm sure Putin would do away with any semblance of democracy in Russia.

Here is another reason I say this-

MOSCOW - Prosecutors are investigating a journalist for publishing an article mocking President Vladimir Putin over his call to pay Russian women to have more children, an official said Wednesday.

The article was published by Vladimir Rakhmankov, editor of the online newspaper Kursiv in the central city of Ivanovo, said Andrei Galchenko of the regional prosecutor's office.

The piece poked fun at Putin's recent state of the nation address that called for economic incentives to boost the country's plummeting birth rate. Russian media reported that the publication suggested that animals at a local zoo increased their mating, heeding Putin's call.

Rakhmankov could not be reached for comment Wednesday. His article could not be seen, because the Web site has been shut down.

Galchenko said the investigation was launched because the article "contained phrases of an insulting nature aimed at the president."

If convicted of insulting a representative of the authorities, Rakhmankov faces up to 12 months of corrective labor or a fine, Galchenko said.

Russia really does have a population crisis.

You can't have democracy without a free press. The MSM abuses its freedom sometimes, but without the press to watchdog elected officials, a country is not truly free. Dissent and freedom of ideas is as important as the freedom to elect who one chooses.

Putin still thinks he's in the KGB. Why the G8 and other organizations tolerate his behavior is beyond me.

Hat tip- Bullwinkle Blog who wonders why US reporters aren't on this story. I wonder if they aren't pulling another CNN.
Open Post- Cao's Blog, Freedom Watch, Right Wing Nation,

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