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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

There has to be a law

For the second time in a little over two months, a woman has set her hair on fire and then her house.

First from today's Ft. Myers News-Press-

A woman injured herself and burned a large portion of her home when a candle she was using fell from a shelf and lit her hair on fire. Ollie Jones, 52, was reading her Bible by candlelight when the fire started, her daughter told the St. Augustine Record.

Jones ran from the house screaming and a neighbor helped douse her head.

About 30 percent of the house had already burned by the time firefighters arrived, Fire Marshal John Rayno said. Firefighters contained the fire, but the rest of the house sustained heavy smoke damage.

When I read this story the first thing that hit me was I had read this before. So I did a little web search and found this from last March.

PORT ST. JOHN, Fla. -- A freak accident led to a devastating fire in Brevard County. The fire was sparked by a candle and then accidentally spread by a woman's hair.

The woman set her hair on fire and, in the process of trying to put it out, she set the house on fire. That fire was devastating to the house where the family had lived for more than 20 years.

The woman tried to blow out a candle, but ended up setting her hair on fire. She succeeded at putting her hair out, but the fire quickly spread and consumed the whole room.

The freak accident that started it all happened when Ramona's grown daughter turned in for the night and went to blow out a candle and, in turn, caught her hair on fire.
Don't these stories sound eerily similiar? Both took place in Florida along it's eastern shore. While the names are different, I haven't totally dismissed the possibility of an urban legend masquerading as news or someone in the Florida MSM pulling a prank.

What do you think? If they are both true, I'm afraid some Florida lawmaker will make this his rallying point. We must protect people from setting their hair on fire before it becomes an epidemic!

Open Post- Is it just me?, Third World County,

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