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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Some blogging notes

*- Blogging will be light today. Our church choir has their annual Christmas concert this afternoon at 3 p.m.

Dear wife will be singing with the choir. I used to sing with the choir and even was choir member of the year in 1993. But I got it for taking care of the choir's equipment, microphones etc and being our door man when the choir comes out. I am just a three-note singer. My recent pulmonary embolism left me without much long power.

*- Don Surber has discontinued open trackbacks. Whether because it was a lot of work for Don, or he regretted the hornet's nest he caused with NZ Bear I don't know. I will just have to blog on, and will continue visiting Don's blog on a daily basis and recommend you to do the same.

*- Go and visit John in Carolina. He wrote the NY Times over five months ago about an error in one of the paper's Opeds. You have to read the paper of record's explanation. It would be unbelievable except we're talking the NYT.

*- Don Singleton blogs on the release of over 100,000 documents by Louisiana Governer Kathleen Blanco. I recommend you go over and read this post and this.

*- Hooah Wife is sad Army lost to Navy yesterday. Don't rub it in but rather go over and thank both she and her husband for serving our country. Greta is a West Point grad too.

*- I'm being interviewed this week at Basil's Blog. Haven't seen the questions yet, I hope all of you are nice to me. LOL.

*- Miami is already behind 21-0. I said not to bet any money on my weekly Dolphins prediction.

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