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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

This woman needs therapy

You almost wished Senator Mary Landrieu would try to punch the President of the United States as she promised to do. Only to see The Secret Service haul her away and put her in jail the rest of her life. What a sorry ass of a politician she is.. Where was she when millions spent for a fountain instead of on the levees? How about those school buses that got flooded?

Fufill this promise Senator. It will be probably the first one you've done for a non-contributor since getting in office. Then Louisiana voters will get another chance at voting for a politician concerned for them rather than trying to cover their sorry butts.

Hat tip- Michelle Malkin

Sen. Mary Landrieu refused on Friday to withdraw or apologize for her threat to punch President Bush if he criticized Louisiana officials - despite Bush's magnanimous speech Thursday night and a federal downpayment of more than $60 billion dollars to rebuild her state.

"I do not take it back, I don't apologize for it. I said I would punch anybody, including the president," she told the Chicago Tribune.

"Though threatening the president is a crime," the Tribune noted - "the Secret Service took it as a joke and the White House brushed off her remarks."

Standing in the Capitol, however, Landrieu made it clear she wasn't joking.

"These local officials were heroes," she contended, before saying she meant every word of her threat.

Appearing on ABC's "This Week" four days after Katrina's floodwaters swamped New Orleans, Landrieu complained: "If one person criticizes [Louisiana], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally."

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