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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lost at sea

Nine women, including an American and Canadian are planning to get ordained as Catholic priests in a ceremony held in the St. Lawrence river.

Here is the link-;_ylt=Art4d8EAkV1Q1XJpsi4OCles0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2bm5xNHVjBHNlYwNtcA--

OTTAWA (AFP) - Nine women, including one Canadian and one American, plan to defy the
Vatican' and become the first female Roman Catholic priests and deacons ordained in North America during a ceremony on a boat on the St. Lawrence River next month.

The ceremony, which is not sanctioned by the Vatican, is to take place July 25 on the river near Gananoque in eastern Canada following a conference on women as priests at Carleton University in Ottawa.

The location for the ceremony was chosen because organizers considered it to be international waters between the United States and Canada where no diocese has juridiction and thus cannot interfere.

"I have my faith and my hope and what the global scene says to me that I believe it's time to take this step," said former nun Michele Birch-Conery, 65, who was ordained as a deacon last year in Europe. She will be the first Canadian woman to be ordained as a priest next month.

The two women bishops will perform the St. Lawrence ordinations.

"This doesn't conform to the Catholic faith. Church teachings are clear: only men can be ordained," said Monseigneur Serge Poitras of the Apostolic Nunciature in Ottawa, noting that the former

About 220 people will attend the ceremony and banquet aboard the boat which usually ferries tourists around the picturesque Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence River.

Once ordained, the women will not lead a flock or perform liturgies, but Birch-Conery has already been invited to talk about her faith with several small groups.

Before adding my own comments I got to thank Outside the Beltway for bringing this to my attention-

First something James Joyner said at OTB-

One wonders how the press would cover, for example, a group of people not appointed by the president or approved by the Senate who held a ceremony dubbing themselves Supreme Court Justices. My strong suspicion is that it would be covered as an amusement, if at all.

I agree with James. If someone were to set up their own govt the press would either not cover it or do so in a manor to show them as the jokes they are.

That is what this group is. First look at the extremes they have to go to do this ceremony. In the river where it's international waters and outside the jurisdiction of a diocese. I mean what are they afraid of? The church? Public ridicule? I'd bet the later. They know how dumb they are being.

They call themselves priests but by their own admission they have no congregation or parish. It's all in their minds. Their ceremony is as bogus as their being priests.

All I will say is what my wife says when dealing with idiots and such- God bless them

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