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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Eileen O'Connor again

The Miami Herald reports on a press conference held yesterday calling for Broward County Judge Eileen O'Connor to resign.

You may recall this dishorable jurist from my previous post here

and here

And what is almost as bad as this whole despicable judge, is her boss Bill Ross seems to think this is all alright. He refused to intercede in the Stacey Forbes case and now refuses to assign Judge O'Connor to the civil division when she is obviously biased or prejudiced. Plus no movement has been made about the application where Judge O'Connor in saying no complaints were filed against her.

Judge Ross said-

''I normally don't respond to sidewalk press conferences by lawyers, but I think the gentleman needs to understand that assignments are not done through the media,'' Ross told The Herald on Monday.

``We make judicial assignments based on the old-fashioned things: merit, ability, talent, hard work, things like that.''

The only merit I see Judge O'Connor having is as being a dishonest and bigoted judge. She has no business being on the bench. I'm also quickly concluding Judge Ross don't either.

Stacey Forbes has more common sense than our judicial system. He said yesterday.

``She sent me to jail for the same thing she'd done. She should be removed. That would be fair.''

Why Judge Ross don't see this I don't know unless he is as crooked as Judge O'Connor. The good ole boy system where those without means get screwed by the legal system.

Its time for Governor Jeb Bush to step in and do something in this matter. Till O'Connor is suspended or removed, the Broward County Judicial system is a joke.

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