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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Knucklehead of the Day award

Today's winner is novelist Guenter Grass. The former Noble Prize winner for literature admitted last Friday that he was once a member of the Nazi Waffen SS.

I don't know what Grass' admission does except to admit he's a war criminal(by the standards of the Nuremberg trials) and a liar. That's unless this is meant to drive sales of his new book, then Grass is just a liar not someone who belonged to a organization that committed the ghastliest crimes. Am I being cynical thinking this is all a ploy?

Gunther Grass is either a war criminal, a liar or both. He is also today's knucklehead of the day.

Linked to- Cao's Blog, Jo's Cafe, Third World County, Bright & Early, Mudville Gazette,

BERLIN - German novelist Guenter Grass admitted in an interview that he served in the Waffen SS, the combat arm of Adolf Hitler's dreaded paramilitary forces, during World War II, a German newspaper reported Friday.

Grass was asked why he was making the disclosure after so many years during an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in which he discusses his new memoir about the war years to be published next month.

"It weighed on me," he said. "My silence over all these years is one of the reasons I wrote this book. It had to come out, finally."

Grass said he only felt shame after the war over having been in the Wafffen SS. "At the time, no," he said. "Later this feeling of shame burdened me."

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ran excerpts of the interview with the Nobel Prize winner on its Web Site, ahead of a fuller version in Saturday's newspaper.

Grass, 78, is regarded as the literary spokesman for the generation of Germans that grew up in the Nazi era and survived the war. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1999 for works including his 1959 novel, "The Tin Drum," made into a Oscar-winning film in 1979. He has long been active in left-wing politics as a sometimes-critical supporter of the Social Democratic Party and is regarded by many as an important moral voice who has opposed xenophobia and war.

He was quoted as saying he had orginally volunteered for the submarine service at age 15, but was not accepted, only to be called up at 17 to the Waffen SS 10th Armored Division "Frundberg," in Dresden, the article said.

Grass said he volunteered for military service to get out of the confinement he felt as a teenager in his parent's house. He had been in the Arbeitsdienst, a force of laborers helping the military.

"It happened as it did to many of my age," he said. "We were in the labor service, and all at once, a year later, the call-up notice lay on the table. And only when I got to Dresden did I learn it was the Waffen SS."

The SS, Schutzstaffel or "Protective Echelon" in German, started as a small personal bodyguard for Hitler headed by top Nazi Heinrich Himmler. It later became a huge organization that ran concentration camps and carried out mass executions of political opponents, Jews, Gypsies, Polish leaders, Communists, anti-Nazi guerrillas, and Soviet POWs.

It included the Waffen SS, a combat force that took part in fighting alongside units of the regular army and gained a reputation as fanatical fighters.

The SS was declared a criminal organization by the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal after the war.

Grass gave few details of his service in the version of the interview on the Web site. He said he managed to give himself jaundice to get out of training for several weeks.

Grass said it was difficult to explain to people today the pull of Nazi indoctrination on teenagers.

He was quoted as saying that, "for me, because I am sure of my recollection, the Waffen SS was nothing frightful, but rather an elite unit that they sent where things were hot, and which, as people said about it, had the heaviest losses."

"One forgets easily, in what a skillful and modern way the Hitler Youth and Jungvolk were raised, as a preliminary level," he said, referring to the Nazi youth organization and its subdivision for younger boys. "Hitler's slogan that "youth must be led by youth' was tremendously effective."

Previous biographical material on Grass, such as a timeline of his life on the Web site of the German Historical Museum, says he served as a helper on anti-aircraft crews, a common duty assigned to teenagers during the war.

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