Suicide by decapitation
I'm not joking. From the Pensacola News Journal-
A man's decapitated body was found Tuesday night near the railroad tracks in downtown Pensacola, according to a Pensacola police report.A later News-Journal story confirmed the death of Lance Shane Clodfelter as being a suicide. Death by getting one's head chopped off? It wouldn't be my choice for the method of my own demise. Then I'm with Lou Costello who when in a movie was asked how he would like to die, replied-
Police received a call about the body at 7:30 p.m. near the tracks between Hayne and Tarragona streets, just south of LaRua Street.
The man's identity is not being released until his family is notified, Officer Maria Landy said in the report.
"We are having trouble locating the next of kin," said Assistant Chief Chip Simmons. "We believe they are out of state."
No foul play is suspected at this time.
"We are looking into the possibility of suicide," Simmons said.
Part of the man's head was severed from the body, Simmons said.
The incident occurred after a CSX Transportation train left the CSX rail yard south of Brent Lane traveling south at about 6:20 p.m. Another train left the yard in the same direction about 7:20 p.m.
"Old age." Rest in Peace Mr. Clodfelter.
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