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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


How did Rightroots fundraising and endorsements do last night at election time? John Hawkins has the tally.(Rightroots candidates are on the left)

(MN-06): Michele Bachmann 50% vs. Patty Wetterling 42%
(OH-6): Chuck Blasdel 39% vs. Charles Wilson 61%
(GA-12): Max Burns 49% vs. John Barrow 51%
(WI-08): John Gard 49% vs. John Gard 51%
(PA-12): Diana Irey 39% vs. John Murtha 61%
(IA-03): Jeff Lamberti 47% vs. Leonard Boswell 52%
(IL-08): David McSweeney 44% vs. Melissa Bean 50%
(NY-24): Ray Meier 45% vs. Michael Arcuri 54%
(SC-05): Ralph Norman 43% vs. John Spratt 57%
(CO-07): Rick O'Donnell 42% vs. Ed Perlmutter 55%
(IL-06) Peter Roskam 51% vs. Tammy Duckworth 49%
(TX-17) Van Taylor 40% vs. Chet Edwards 58%
(CO-3): Scott Tipton 37% vs. John Salazar 61%
(WV-01): Chris Wakim 36% vs. Alan Mollohan 64%
(IA-01): Mike Whalen 43% vs. Bruce Braley 55%
(IL-17): Andrea Lane Zinga 43% vs. Phil Hare 57%


(Michigan): Mike Bouchard 41% vs. Debbie Stabenow 57%
(New Jersey): Thomas Kean 45% vs. Bob Menendez 53%
(Minnesota): Mark Kennedy38% vs. Amy Klobuchar 58%
(Washington): Mike McGavick 39% vs. Maria Cantwell 58%
(Maryland): Michael Steele 44% vs. Ben Cardin 54%
That's two wins and 19 losses. There were some races as bad or even worse than the PA12 and the misguided backing of Diana Irey that I warned about.

Rightroots will be a contender for Knucklehead of the Year in the Corporations, Organizations, Associations category when those awards are given out next month. The people behind Rightroots need to learn that funneling money to the right races is just as important as the actual fundraising.

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