That was nice of them
Here is another mind boggling story out of Florida-
COLLIER COUNTY: Immokalee High School has had a lot of success on both theA 30-year-old going to high school. Why not identify these creeps? Better yet why aren't either in jail?
soccer and football field over the last couple years. But that success may be erased because both of the two adults caught using fake birth certificates to get into the school, played on the teams.
The Immokalee Indian football players did not realize their teammate was 30-years-old.
School district leaders will not identify either of the men, but students say one of them was Blontell Jean.
The 30-year-old played soccer from 2003 to 2006, and played football in 2005.
The 23-year-old who also played soccer from 2002 to 2005 has not been identified either.
The school district is cooperating with the state's investigation. In fact, they reported the violations themselves.
There is more to the story.
Some students at Immokalee High said a rumor that overage students wereNo comment? Why because you look like fools? Because Touron and Williams are exactly that. Why weren't they protecting the students? Were either of these men dating students? Both of these school officials look like they're trying to Cover their ass. Sorry it's too late for that.
attending the school began circulating earlier this week.
"I heard about it in science class," said Jessica Stanley, a 14-year-old freshman. "My
classmates were talking about it. No one knew who they were, though."
Shawanda Wilder, 15, said one of the students was affectionately called "old man" by his classmates.
According to the report, Pence "notified the school administration of this incident and the dangers associated in reference to this incident."
When asked about the students participation and attendance, Principal Touron would not comment.
"There is nothing I can say right now," he said, referring all comment to Williams.
Williams said Touron did not believe the men were threats to the students. He said the district did not ask the men why they were attending high school.
Sure and why should I trust their judgment on whether these men were threats.
The best is yet to come.
School officials informed the men they would be withdrawn from school and
provided them with alternative, adult education opportunities, Williams said.
Hell, why didn't they get diplomas too? Just unbelievable.
Deron Snyder of the Fort Myers News-Press also has some good commentary-
Who knew it was the Haitian National Team?
Both men were Haitian as Mr. Snyder's column goes on to tell. By the way unless I'm blind or the News-Press photo is deceiving, Deron Snyder is black. No no racial accusations please.
Granted, youth is wasted on the young. But attending high school when you're oldI like your sense of humor Mr. Snyder. We didn't go to the same school for sarcasm did we?
enough to have your kid sit next to you? That's not the meaning of "adult education."
It certainly would be.Let's consider two lessons from this unsettling news:
The men are Haitian immigrants who decided to study among teenagers, for whatever reason.The Collier School District web site lists four schools where Adult and Community Education classes are held. Adding Immokalee High might be a good idea, considering the area's immigrant population.
And whether these guys were perfect gentlemen or dirty old men, we need vigilance on the issue of underage relations. We shudder at the thought of grown men cavorting with schoolgirls, but there are plenty of grown men who skip the pretense and still date schoolgirls.
Here's to jail time for as many of those creeps as possible.
Now that would be funny.
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