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Commentary, sarcasm and snide remarks from a Florida resident of over thirty years. Being a glutton for punishment is a requirement for residency here. Who am I? I've been called a moonbat by Michelle Malkin, a Right Wing Nut by Daily Kos, and middle of the road by Florida blog State of Sunshine. Tell me what you think.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It is almost award time

2006 is almost at a close and like last year the blogosphere will be busy with year end awards.

Kevin at Wizbang reminds us of the big one, The 2006 Weblog awards. Volunteers are needed to help with the 2006 edition. If you have time go leave a message here.

And of course TFM will once again play host to the Knucklehead of the year awards. Click here if you need a reminder of how it was done in 2005. There will be a few small changes.

1- We'll have eight categories instead of seven this year. The newest category addition is The Sciences, Academia, Medicine and Religion category or what I sometimes label "The smart people who are just so dumb category." These people were lumped in the generic(or general) category last year. I don't think its fair to compare Harvard University to some guys trying to screw a horse. What do you think?

2- Also our panel of distinguished judges to pick the winners is being expanded. All of last year's judges are returning. They are-

Don Surber
Jo from Jo's Cafe
John in Carolina
and Greta aka Hooah Wife

For 2006 we'll have the following Florida bloggers

Rick from Stuck on the Palmetto
Jim from Bright & Early
Doyle from A Cool Change
Mr C from Peer Review FL is invited and I'm just waiting for his reply.

If Mr. C joins in, I'll do a separate 2006 Knucklehead of the year award just for Florida.

The other new judges are-

James Joyner from Outside the Beltway
Betsy from Betsy's Page
Don Singleton
Helen from Ultima Thule
Ed from Captain's Quarters is invited also. He had said yes earlier and I'm now trying to re-confirm Ed's participation.

I think you'll agree with me when I say this is an excellent judging panel. TFM thanks all of those above for their participation.

The Knucklehead awards will begin on December 21st with the Grand Knucklehead for 2006 announced on New Year's Eve. I hope you come back in December to see who are the winners.

Linked to- Basil's Blog, Bright & Early, Cao's Blog, Clash of Civilizations, Jo's Cafe, Right Wing Nation, Stuck on Stupid, Third World County, Wake Up America, Bullwinkle Blog, Outside the Beltway,

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