Florida the rules are different here Chapter LXV
The South Florida MSM has trouble identifying cars. From the Miami Herald-
For the third time in three days, a Tri-Rail train has slammed into a car on the tracks -- this time a Porsche. The sports car was dragged hundreds of feet down the tracks, leaving it mangled beyond recognition.
Rick at SOTP noted this accident early this morning. Since then the Herald has re-identified the car.
The driver, fortunately, wasn't inside. He was able to bail out moments before impact.
The accident happened about 5 a.m. in Boca Raton near Interstate 95. m. The car was idling on the tracks at Southwest 18th Street.
Only in South Florida can a Geo be mistaken for a Porsche. I can hardly wait for the day a VW Bug is mistaken for a Cadillac. Isn't this a great state or what?
For the third time in three days, a Tri-Rail train has slammed into a car on the tracks. The red 1993 Geo was dragged hundreds of feet south, leaving it mangled beyond recognition.
Note- The accident took place less than two miles from where my parents lived in the 1980's. I know the area of where the accident occured very well.
Linked to- Bullwinkle, Basil's Blog, Blue Star, Bright & Early,
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